junie's dog house!

internet quiz smackdown 1

written 2025/02/20 16:37 PST

i am a surfer of the web. (no shit sherlock) i decided that since its a chill afternoon and i'm just on my gay little laptop, and since i stumbled upon them, i would take some internet quizzes i found on the web. NOTE: unless otherwise specified, i do not endorse any of the content on the linked websites. i just felt like doing some dumb quizzes on the web and am providing what i believe to be necessary credit. also, there's a lot of images on the site that are linked from other sites. i have tried to provide adequate alt text if any images are missing it, but be aware that some linked sites may not have alt text on their sites.

the list of quizzes i took was compiled by foggybear42. i have not done all of the quizzes, just the ones that seemed interesting to me.

  1. What Cute Pokemon Are You?
  2. What (Pokemon) Type Are You?
  3. How much of an Internet geek are you?

What Cute Pokemon Are You?

by Mirage Island (2020?) | link

Animated pixel art of the Pokemon Ralts, featuring a white dress-like body, and light green hair(?) with red spikes sticking out of the front and back.

i'm honestly not impressed, there are only 4 questions with 2 responses each, which means there's only 16 possible results. the text describing me in relation to Ralts is fucking on the spot though: "You're a sensitive, methodical person who is slow to warm up to others. You like to spend a lot of time alone and prefer having a select few friends."

anyways i give this quiz a 4/10 for being way too short and not being able to capture the fact that i am indeed a SNORLAX, not a ralts.

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What (Pokemon) Type Are You?

by The Cave of Dragonflies (2016) | link

woah, this website is 23 years old lolol. this quiz is also short but it's somewhat justified by the fact that there are 18 possible types (as of 2016, when the quiz was last updated) so that does give it some leeway

Ground Fighting

so i took the test (twice, actually, since that is allowed if you lean towards two answers on the same question). i can see most of what ground type describes applying to me, but i don't really feel all that reliable as a person (granted that's just a side effect of being a mentally ill adult under capitalism). as far as fighting type goes, i can somewhat understand the first sentence but i don't feel like i have that much determination in life (though i wish i could muster some up one of these days.)

ophelia also took the test, and got Psychic-Dark type.

giving this quiz a 7/10 for CUTE IMAGERY

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How much of an Internet geek are you?

by star-girl.org (c. 2004) | link

NOTE: as of February 2025, the website is not styled at all and is missing the sixth question. archives of the page from 2004-2008 exist, and the archive that foggybear42 linked can be viewed here, no guarantees of it being functional though. either way my result was the same though so who cares

You are... 81-100% Internet Geek. You are an extreme geek! You spend your days updating your site and surfing others. You get stressed out if you stay away from the internet longer than a few hours.

that question about camgirls really dated this quiz lmfao. if you're wondering what i responded with, i clicked "I think they're cool people."

also, i could definitely go more than a few hours without the internet, i do it whenever i go to work (or sometimes just for my own sake).

i give this quiz a 3/10 being daring, but ultimately for having no style in 2025. also, for insinuating that i couldn't go more than a few hours without the web. i can barely handle a few hours on the web daily.

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so, each of these quizzes took me an average of 30 minutes, and i am getting tired after this third one. i bookmarked the page i found these on so i can come back to it when i am feeling down to. ~~~~