so oops, i got sick. im not sure what with but its kicking my ass so far this week. my computer also died this week which is extremely upsetting, since i had multiple terabytes of stuff stored on the hard drives which are now being held hostage by a gaming computer from 2013 that just won't boot.
hopefully i'll be able to get a SATA to USB adapter or something to get the files off of the hard drives because there's years of pictures and videos, old software we wrote forever ago, and even some minecraft servers that i play on with my wife and partners and friends.
in order to get one though, i need my debit card again, but on saturday i went to check my mailbox and it was wide fucking open. i looked inside and there was nothing in there. i've been waiting over a week for that stupid fucking debit card, and i'm led to believe that someone broke into my mailbox and stole it. fortunately it shouldn't be an issue since i haven't activated it but now i need to go to the bank and tell them what happened. the worst part is that i ordered that new card because i believed i lost my old one, but i found it on my desk a day later, so im just down $10 because fuck me i guess.
im at the point where im starting to believe im cursed, and im really worried about whats gonna happen in the coming days and weeks. first i "lose" my debit card and only find it after i already order a new one, then my toilet gets clogged, then my computer dies, then my mailbox gets broken into, and now im sick as fuck. and i have apartment inspections in two days and im worried that they won't renew my lease because fuck me i guess, and im worried that work on friday is gonna go poorly and fuck i just wanna be okay.
hopefully i feel better soon but given my shitty luck streak i doubt that will be the case. ~~~~