juniper's addiction

this page is best viewed on any screen with a width of 640px or more. this site is intended to be viewed on desktop only, but it is mostly viewable on mobile.

UPDATE! This website now uses HTML 4.01 Transitional instead of HTML5 because I felt like it. :3

html has no rules aside from the ones corporations made up to make our lives more frustrating. also, we think there need to be more text only websites, like this one. JavaScript has kinda made the web worse, and we think the obsession with corporations to make every webpage an "interactive experience," so to speak, has more or less ruined the web. this website currently uses zero javascript on any of its pages. also, it uses the elusive <font> tag to color text, because fuck <span style>. its more cluttery than <font> and the "W3 compliant" alternative is to create a rule for every different color i want to use in this document, which i really don't fucking want to do. besides, the red text to represent "outdated" markup tags in VSCodium (Visual Studio Code fork) is kinda cute <3

anyways, hi we're juniper's addiction, known in our gaming circles as fluxie (formerly flux3on). we're a system and we'll make our own personal sites as time passes.

if you have an issue with any of us please send an email to

please select a user below:

and ~6 others that are unlisted.

external links

2017-2022 Flux3on, 2022-2025 fluxie, 2024-2025 juniper's addiction

last updated: 2025/02/13

holy shit, i got carried away with the colored text lmao.

Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional Valid CSS!